Of mercy and compassion, faith and diversity, hope and unity: a 12,000-mile personal reflection


I am moved by what’s currently busying my country—the Pope’s visit. I am moved to tears seeing throngs and throngs of people flock to the streets to catch a glimpse of him. I silently cried while I read live updates of his trip, each touching bit of news turned into heart thumping turned into tears flowing. I envied my friends back home as they watched intently his televised visit, as if his sought-after wave of blessings could pass through the TV monitor. Spiritually, yes. They cried. I cried with them.

I am a Catholic and proud of it. Most of its doctrines I embrace, some I ignore, a few I completely disagree with. My religion teaches universality, but it also respects individuality. Perhaps other religions do, too. A priest friend had several times referred to ‘My God’, ‘Your God’. It took me sometime to understand what he meant. This denotes a…

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